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Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an exciting and challenging indoor athletics program designed for primary school children in Key Stage 2 (years 3-6). It offers a wide range of fun and engaging activities that develop children’s athletic skills, coordination, and teamwork.

The program is based on the national curriculum for physical education and is delivered by qualified and experienced teachers. It is an excellent way for children to improve their overall fitness and health, while also having fun and developing their sporting potential.

Sports Hall Athletics KS2 covers a variety of disciplines, including running, jumping, throwing, and relay races. Each discipline is carefully designed to be safe and appropriate for children of this age group, and to provide a stimulating and enjoyable learning experience.

Sports Hall Athletics KS2

Exciting indoor athletics for primary schools.

  • Develops athletic skills
  • Improves coordination
  • Promotes teamwork

Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an excellent way for children to have fun, improve their fitness, and develop their sporting potential.

Develops athletic skills

Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is specifically designed to develop children’s athletic skills in a fun and engaging way. The program covers a wide range of disciplines, including running, jumping, throwing, and relay races, which are all essential for developing a strong foundation in athletics.

The running events in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 help children to develop their speed, endurance, and agility. Children participate in a variety of running races, including sprints, middle-distance races, and relays. These races help children to improve their cardiovascular fitness and develop the skills they need to compete in other sports.

The jumping events in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 help children to develop their power, coordination, and balance. Children participate in a variety of jumping events, including the long jump, high jump, and triple jump. These events help children to improve their leg strength and develop the skills they need to compete in other sports, such as basketball and volleyball.

The throwing events in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 help children to develop their strength, coordination, and accuracy. Children participate in a variety of throwing events, including the shot put, discus, and javelin. These events help children to improve their arm strength and develop the skills they need to compete in other sports, such as baseball and cricket.

Overall, Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an excellent way for children to develop their athletic skills in a fun and engaging way. The program provides children with the opportunity to try a variety of different athletic disciplines and to develop the skills they need to compete in other sports.

Improves coordination

Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an excellent way for children to improve their coordination. Coordination is the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. It is an essential skill for all sports, as well as for everyday activities.

The running events in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 help children to develop their dynamic coordination. Dynamic coordination is the ability to coordinate different parts of the body while moving. Children must coordinate their arms and legs to run smoothly and efficiently. They must also be able to adjust their movements quickly and easily to avoid obstacles.

The jumping events in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 help children to develop their static coordination. Static coordination is the ability to coordinate different parts of the body while stationary. Children must coordinate their arms and legs to take off and land safely. They must also be able to maintain their balance in mid-air.

The throwing events in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 help children to develop their hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is the ability to coordinate the movement of the eyes and hands. Children must be able to track the object they are throwing and adjust their movements accordingly. They must also be able to release the object at the right time and with the right amount of force.

Overall, Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an excellent way for children to improve their coordination in a fun and engaging way. The program provides children with the opportunity to try a variety of different athletic disciplines and to develop the skills they need to compete in other sports and to perform everyday activities more easily and efficiently.

Promotes teamwork

Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is a great way to promote teamwork among children. Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common goal. It is an essential skill for all aspects of life, including sports, work, and personal relationships.

The relay races in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 are a great way to teach children about the importance of teamwork. In a relay race, children must work together to pass the baton from one runner to the next as quickly as possible. This requires teamwork, communication, and trust.

Other events in Sports Hall Athletics KS2, such as the long jump and high jump, can also be used to promote teamwork. Children can work together to help each other improve their techniques and to encourage each other to do their best.

Overall, Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an excellent way to promote teamwork among children. The program provides children with the opportunity to work together towards a common goal and to develop the skills they need to be successful in other areas of their lives.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, Sports Hall Athletics KS2 can also help children to develop their leadership skills. Children who are natural leaders can take on a leadership role within their team, helping to motivate and encourage their teammates. This can help children to develop their confidence and their ability to work with others.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Sports Hall Athletics KS2:

Question 1: What is Sports Hall Athletics KS2?
Answer 1: Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an exciting and challenging indoor athletics program for primary school children in Key Stage 2 (years 3-6). It offers a wide range of fun and engaging activities that develop children’s athletic skills, coordination, and teamwork.

Question 2: What are the benefits of Sports Hall Athletics KS2?
Answer 2: Sports Hall Athletics KS2 has many benefits for children, including developing their athletic skills, improving their coordination, promoting teamwork, and helping them to develop their leadership skills.

Question 3: What events are included in Sports Hall Athletics KS2?
Answer 3: Sports Hall Athletics KS2 covers a variety of disciplines, including running, jumping, throwing, and relay races.

Question 4: How can children prepare for Sports Hall Athletics KS2?
Answer 4: Children can prepare for Sports Hall Athletics KS2 by practicing the different events, such as running, jumping, and throwing. They can also improve their overall fitness by participating in regular physical activity.

Question 5: What are some tips for children participating in Sports Hall Athletics KS2?
Answer 5: Some tips for children participating in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 include warming up properly before each event, listening to their coaches, and always trying their best.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about Sports Hall Athletics KS2?
Answer 6: More information about Sports Hall Athletics KS2 can be found on the website of the English Schools Athletics Association (ESAA).

Question 7: How can I get involved in Sports Hall Athletics KS2?
Answer 7: To get involved in Sports Hall Athletics KS2, you can contact your child’s school or the ESAA.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

We hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about Sports Hall Athletics KS2. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school or the ESAA.

Transition paragraph from FAQ section to tips section:

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some additional tips for children participating in Sports Hall Athletics KS2:


Here are some practical tips for children participating in Sports Hall Athletics KS2:

Tip 1: Warm up properly.

Warming up properly is essential for preventing injuries and improving performance. Make sure to warm up your muscles with some light exercises, such as jogging or jumping jacks, before participating in any strenuous activity.

Tip 2: Listen to your coaches.

Your coaches are there to help you improve your skills and techniques. Listen carefully to their instructions and follow their advice. They can help you to improve your performance and avoid injuries.

Tip 3: Always try your best.

Always try your best, even if you are not the best athlete in your class. Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is about participation and improvement, not about winning or losing. If you always try your best, you will be proud of your achievements, regardless of the outcome.

Tip 4: Have fun!

Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is a great way to have fun and get active. Make sure to enjoy yourself and have fun while you are participating. The more you enjoy yourself, the more likely you are to stick with it and continue to improve.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can help yourself to have a positive and successful experience in Sports Hall Athletics KS2.

Transition paragraph from tips section to conclusion section:

In conclusion, Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an excellent way for children to develop their athletic skills, improve their coordination, promote teamwork, and have fun. By following the tips provided in this article, children can make the most of their experience in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 and achieve their full potential.


Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is an excellent way for children to develop their athletic skills, improve their coordination, promote teamwork, and have fun. The program offers a wide range of activities that are designed to be safe and enjoyable for children of all abilities.

In this article, we have discussed the many benefits of Sports Hall Athletics KS2, as well as some tips for children participating in the program. We have also answered some frequently asked questions about Sports Hall Athletics KS2.

We hope that this article has provided you with a better understanding of Sports Hall Athletics KS2. If you are looking for a fun and engaging way for your child to get active and improve their athletic skills, then we encourage you to get involved in Sports Hall Athletics KS2.

Closing Message:

Sports Hall Athletics KS2 is a great way for children to learn about the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and healthy competition. We believe that all children should have the opportunity to participate in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 and to experience the many benefits that it has to offer.

We encourage all schools to offer Sports Hall Athletics KS2 as part of their physical education curriculum. We also encourage parents to get involved in Sports Hall Athletics KS2 and to support their children in their participation.

By working together, we can help to ensure that all children have the opportunity to experience the benefits of Sports Hall Athletics KS2.

Sports Hall Athletics KS2