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Outdoor recreation planners play an integral role in creating and maintaining outdoor spaces that meet the needs of communities. This can include designing and overseeing the construction of new parks, trails, and campgrounds, as well as implementing programs and events that encourage people to enjoy the outdoors.

The work of outdoor recreation planners is essential to ensuring that everyone has access to safe and enjoyable outdoor spaces. By creating well-designed and maintained parks and trails, outdoor recreation planners help to improve the quality of life for people in communities of all sizes.

In order to pursue a career as an outdoor recreation planner, individuals typically need a bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as parks and recreation management, natural resources management, or forestry.

outdoor recreation planner jobs

Outdoor recreation planners play a vital role in creating and maintaining outdoor spaces that meet the needs of communities.

  • Design and Construction
  • Program and Event Implementation
  • Community Engagement

These professionals work with communities to identify needs and develop plans for new or improved outdoor spaces. They also oversee the construction and maintenance of these spaces, and implement programs and events that encourage people to enjoy the outdoors.

Design and Construction

Outdoor recreation planners play a key role in the design and construction of new or improved outdoor spaces. They work with communities to identify needs and develop plans that meet those needs. This can include designing new parks, trails, campgrounds, and other outdoor facilities.

Once a plan is in place, outdoor recreation planners oversee the construction process. This includes working with contractors, engineers, and other professionals to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the desired standards.

Outdoor recreation planners also work to ensure that new and existing outdoor spaces are accessible to people of all abilities. This may involve designing trails that are wheelchair-accessible or installing ramps and other features that make it easier for people with disabilities to enjoy the outdoors.

In addition to designing and constructing new outdoor spaces, outdoor recreation planners also work to maintain and improve existing facilities. This may involve repairing trails, upgrading equipment, or planting new trees and shrubs.

The work of outdoor recreation planners is essential to ensuring that everyone has access to safe and enjoyable outdoor spaces. By creating well-designed and maintained parks and trails, outdoor recreation planners help to improve the quality of life for people in communities of all sizes.

Program and Event Implementation

Outdoor recreation planners also play a key role in implementing programs and events that encourage people to enjoy the outdoors. These programs and events can include:

  • Educational programs: These programs teach people about the natural world and the importance of protecting it. They may also provide instruction on outdoor skills, such as camping, hiking, and fishing.

Recreational programs: These programs provide opportunities for people to participate in outdoor activities, such as sports, games, and nature walks. They may also include special events, such as concerts and festivals.

Volunteer opportunities: These programs allow people to get involved in the care and maintenance of outdoor spaces. They may also provide opportunities for people to learn about the natural world and develop outdoor skills.

Community events: These events bring people together to enjoy the outdoors and celebrate the natural world. They may include activities such as picnics, hikes, and nature walks.

Outdoor recreation planners work with a variety of partners to implement programs and events, including schools, community organizations, and government agencies. They also work with volunteers to help run programs and events.

Community Engagement

Outdoor recreation planners also play a key role in engaging with the community to identify needs and develop plans for new or improved outdoor spaces. This can involve:

  • Public meetings: Outdoor recreation planners hold public meetings to gather input from the community on what they would like to see in their outdoor spaces. These meetings can also be used to educate the public about the benefits of outdoor recreation and the importance of protecting natural resources.

Surveys: Outdoor recreation planners may also conduct surveys to gather input from the community. This can be a good way to reach people who are unable to attend public meetings.

Focus groups: Outdoor recreation planners may also conduct focus groups to gather in-depth input from a small group of people. This can be a good way to get feedback on specific issues or proposals.

Partnerships: Outdoor recreation planners work with a variety of partners in the community, including schools, community organizations, and government agencies. These partnerships can help to ensure that outdoor recreation programs and facilities are meeting the needs of the community.

By engaging with the community, outdoor recreation planners can ensure that new and existing outdoor spaces are designed and managed in a way that meets the needs of the people who use them.

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Here are a few tips for those interested in pursuing a career as an outdoor recreation planner:

1. Get involved in your community: Volunteer your time to work on local parks and trails, or join a community organization that advocates for outdoor recreation. This will help you to learn more about the needs of your community and gain valuable experience.

2. Get an education: A bachelor’s degree in parks and recreation management, natural resources management, or a related field is typically required for outdoor recreation planner jobs. Coursework in these programs typically includes topics such as park planning and design, natural resource management, and outdoor recreation programming.

3. Get experience: Internships and part-time jobs in parks and recreation departments or other outdoor recreation organizations can help you to gain valuable experience and build your resume. This experience will also help you to learn more about the different aspects of outdoor recreation planning and management.

4. Network with professionals: Attend industry conferences and workshops, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn. Networking can help you to learn more about the field, find job opportunities, and get your foot in the door.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting a job as an outdoor recreation planner and making a difference in your community.

Outdoor recreation planners play a vital role in creating and maintaining outdoor spaces that meet the needs of communities. By following the tips above, you can increase your chances of getting a job in this rewarding field.


Outdoor recreation planners play a vital role in creating and maintaining outdoor spaces that meet the needs of communities. They work with communities to identify needs, develop plans, and implement programs and events that encourage people to enjoy the outdoors. Outdoor recreation planners also work to ensure that new and existing outdoor spaces are accessible to people of all abilities and that they are designed and managed in a way that protects natural resources.

The work of outdoor recreation planners is essential to improving the quality of life for people in communities of all sizes. By creating safe, accessible, and enjoyable outdoor spaces, outdoor recreation planners help to promote physical activity, mental well-being, and social interaction. They also help to protect natural resources and ensure that future generations can enjoy the outdoors.

If you are interested in a career in outdoor recreation planning, there are a number of things you can do to prepare yourself. Get involved in your community, volunteer your time to work on local parks and trails, and join organizations that advocate for outdoor recreation. Get an education in parks and recreation management, natural resources management, or a related field. Gain experience through internships and part-time jobs. And network with professionals in the field to learn more about the different aspects of outdoor recreation planning and management.

With hard work and dedication, you can have a rewarding career as an outdoor recreation planner and make a difference in your community.

Outdoor Recreation Planner Jobs